Taking audiences on a wild ride, this emotional and humorous documentary from filmmaker Andrea Marini follows the evolution of New York artist Joey Skaggs, a fierce proponent of independent thinking and an early critic of media irresponsibility. For decades, he has used carefully crafted messages to fool journalists into publishing topical but outrageous stories that, when revealed as fake, make stunning social commentary. His work is more relevant today than ever. One of America’s most notorious social satirists and media activists, he is famed for such media fictions as the Celebrity Sperm Bank Auction, the Cathouse for Dogs, and the Fat Squad. In this award-winning critically-acclaimed film, Marini interweaves fascinating archival footage with a singularly unforgettable moment, when Skaggs attempts to pull off the most demanding media hoax of his career.
Customer Reviews:
5 Stars: A great great documentary – a serious subject that makes the media look silly
Watching the Art of the Prank was a totally joy inducing experience. Marini takes us through 30+ years of the career and times of Joey Skaggs, performance artist, provocateur, culture jammer, and media hoax extraordinaire, in what is a fascinating study of not only Mr. Skaggs artistry but also a haunting look at how our current systems of information are warped and easily manipulated. While this documentary is a highly entertaining journey about the life and art of Joey Skaggs, more aptly it reflects how broken and unreliably modern media outlets are. Thoroughly enjoyed this. Highly recommend it. I laughed, I cried. It was better than “Cats”. -KATYMAY.HUDSON
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